Employee of the Month: March 2018- Paige Hepler

I just wanted to let you both know what a great job Paige has been doing! Here lately there have been a couple different occasions where she has put things on hold and stopped what she was doing and either help handle issues from home or came right back in. I just reach out to Paige to verify some information and she came right back in and handled it (she didn’t have to – again I was just trying to verify some info), Plus a couple other maintenance issues that popped up while she was here…

She really does go out of her way to help, has been a Great Team Player.. I don’t know if we can do employee of the month or buy someone lunch or anything like that – but I feel she needs to be recognized for all her effort! Please at least give her a pat on the back and a couple kind words…

Paige is and has been a tremendous help! - Tim Jackson

I agree 100% !!!!!!! – Keith Beaver