If you (or a spouse / child / roommate, etc.) have symptoms of Covid,- STAY HOME, notify your manager & complete the appropriate form below. 

Please, be thorough & thoughtful in your response.

The below table illustrates the person A, person B & person C breakdown the Covid Response Team is using to make decisions.


The Covid Process- What You Should Do:

  1. Complete the Covid Intake Form and and call or text Amy McNamara at 260-316-3328 immediately.
  2. If you know, based on using the policy, when you should test, line up a test immediately to ensure no delays.
  3. At the end of your intake call, you will be advised on how to proceed. It will be up to you to communicate any return to work dates given to you at the end of the call to your immediate supervisor and Michele/Rivas (Logistics only).

*If you are cleared to work from home,  submit a Help Desk Ticket immediately. IT is also in high demand during this time and multiple messages or direct communication to the IT team will not be accepted. 

What You Should NOT Do:

  • Wait a few days to fill out your intake form 
  • Complete multiple intake forms for the same case.
  • Wait to contact Amy McNamara until after day 5 of exposure / symptoms.
  • Receive a negative result to return to work after testing POSITIVE. 
  • Teams or Email Megan Lehr directly about Covid related issues or questions.
  • Presume you must quarantine / work from home if your child is contact traced - your child is person B; you are person C. 

What To Do If Your Child Is Contact Traced:

  • Email the Covid Response Team + your manager a copy of the school / daycare note that your child has been contact traced.*
  • If your child is contact traced, your child is person B making you person C. You do not need to quarantine / be out of the office as person C. If you can split time with a spouse at home / your child is old enough to be home alone - you CAN come to work. 

*If you are cleared to work from home, submit a Help Desk Ticket immediately. IT is also in high demand during this time and multiple messages or direct communication to the IT team will not be accepted. 

Get Ahead of Covid: 

  • Implement additional hygiene measures for yourself & your household.
  • Be proactive - Become familiar with the Covid policy of your child's school / daycare. Establish a plan before you're dealing with symptoms and / or receive notification that your child has been contact traced. 
  •  Be mindful of your proximity with others. 
  • Be familiar with Buchanan's Covid-related absence policy (below).
  • Review the FAQ listed below.


  • I was exposed - when can I get a rapid test? Rapid tests are most likely to produce accurate results when administered five (5) days following exposure. Obtaining a rapid test any sooner increases the chances for a false negative. For your convenience, view this chart on exposure / testing timeline.


  • If I was vaccinated and have symptoms or was exposed to someone with symptoms, do I need to quarantine? Based on the current guidelines available, even vaccinated individuals need to quarantine / follow protocol when exhibiting symptoms or exposed to someone with symptoms.
  • Can I take an OTC test? While there are OTC / at home tests available, the company will not provide reimbursement for these tests. Tests completed at a medical facility / pharmacy, etc. will be reimbursed when your name, a date, location and result are able to be read.
  • Do I need to receive a negative test to return to work if I originally tested positive? No. Simply make sure you have completed your 10 quarantine, have been fever free for 24 hours, and have seen improvement in your other Covid symptoms. Individuals may test positive for Covid for weeks or months after but this does not mean they are still contagious.
  • Will HR find a testing center for me? Testing centers are readily available and can be located via a quick internet search. HR will not schedule a test on your behalf.
  • Do I get paid while I'm out? View the Buchanan Covid absence policy here.
  • I have a 5 day vacation in September that PTO is designated for/is approved for and I just got ovid, what do I do bc I’m not cancelling my vacayProvided your respectful cooperation to keep our workforce healthy, Buchanan will work with you to divvy up your PTO vs unpaid leave for the time you are out sick and your later scheduled PTO. Additional PTO will not be added but can be split & distributed during your leave and pre-scheduled time out.
  • Can I submit tests for reimbursement prior to August 9, 2021? The company will ONLY provide reimbursement for an employee whom has followed the protocol outlined below and / or viewed at after August 9, 2021. (The company reserves the right to refuse reimbursement for tests that do not align with reported symptoms, exposure, etc.)

Covid + Buchanan Resources