
Christmas in July

Buchanan Christmas in July
Pick an ornament

Get ready for Buchanan's Christmas in July! From now through July 31st we are looking for employees willing to help us turn our decorated tree into a bare one. We have a long list of items that area children, who are part of low-income families, could use during the upcoming school year. All you need to do is...

  1. Pick an ornament. (I know, already complicated)
  2. Read the item listed on the ornament (...or you can read it before you pick it)
  3. Buy the item (mad money here I come!)
  4. Bring the item to HR before July 31st, 2023 to be distributed (see, easy peasy)

You can help make a difference in our community with the purchase of just one, two, or a whole tree of items. Be a blessing to someone and show your #BuchanansBest

Buchanan's Christmas in July
Buchanan's Christmas in July
